Category Archives: Health

Vibroacoustic Disease (VAD) Is Much More Than A Hearing Problem

Vibro Acoustic Disease

(Text version of the article available below)   by Bart P Billings, PhD, COL(Ret) In the late 1990s, I was working with some professional audio sound technicians and had an opportunity to experience the sound system for a major concert. They wanted me to listen to the sound system they were setting up in a large […]

Medicine Cures Diseases of the Body; Wisdom Liberates the Soul of Sufferings

The above title of this editorial is reflective of the work done by Gorgias (485-380 BC), who was a Greek Philosopher, who lived in Leontini Sicily. Below I want to elaborate on what Gorgias knew over 2000 years ago, WISDOM LIBERATES THE SOUL OF SUFFERING. Part of my work for many years has been to […]