Ask The Psychologist Issue #23: How Does Fear Affect a Person?

I have had several people ask me how fear can affect their physical and mental health. We have all heard many expressions in our life that demonstrate how fear could be expressed. Scared stiff, scared straight, he/she is scary, if your car doesn’t scare you it doesn’t go fast enough, heebie-jeebies, makes my blood run cold, jumped out of my skin, scared out of my wits, scared the living daylights out of me, etc., etc.

Fear can in fact trigger a fight or flight response in a person. Although fear is experienced in your mind, it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. As soon as you recognize fear, the amygdala in your brain goes to work. It alerts your nervous system to go into action. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline get released and your blood pressure and heart rate increase. Breathing becomes faster and blood flows away from your heart and into your limbs, making it easier for you to start to go into a flight or fight mode.But what happens if your fear response continues in action when there is no immediate fear present. It is well known that when the amygdala senses fear, the cerebral cortex, which is the area of the brain that reasons and provides judgment, becomes impaired; it’s difficult to make good decisions or think clearly. This human response is known by bad actors that use fear to control people, since they know people make bad decisions when fearful. Hence in fact, the saying, scarred out of my wits.

An example of this occurred in Nazi Germany prior to and during World War II. The Nazis instructed their media to state that the Jewish people were diseased. By frightening the German people into fearing that they would contract a disease from this population, it allowed the Nazis to set in motion their plan to exterminate the Jewish population. Because the German people were fearful of catching a disease from the Jewish people, they allowed this catastrophe to occur. Therefore, as mentioned above, when individuals are highly fearful, they make bad decisions.Over this past year or so, the media, the medical establishment, the government and the pharmaceutical companies have been scaring the United States population, indicating that a virus (that without treatment, 99.7% of the general population will be able to overcome) will result in life threatening consequences.

Over this past year, I have seen many individuals that I considered fearless, locking themselves in their homes and becoming scared, depressed and anxious about venturing out into the community. They were extremely fearful of the China Flu (COVID) that without treatment has a 99.7% survival rate for the general population. These citizens, from all walks of life, allowed themselves to be injected with an experimental gene therapy, cancer treatment drug use in chemotherapy, to prevent contracting the China Flu. Why this is occurring was explained earlier; when the amygdala senses fear, the cerebral cortex, which is the area of the brain that reasons and provides judgment, becomes impaired, it’s difficult to make good decisions or think clearly. If the general public were not in a state of fear, they would reason that an experimental gene therapy drug with no long term testing results would not be a reasonable choice to fight the Flu.

I have read articles of people experiencing extreme allergic reactions to the current injections, a nurse being hospitalized and her doctor stating while she was in bed recovering that getting the injection was a great choice. Another instance was a nursing mother, after being injected, who lost her baby within days, from a reaction to the vaccine received in mothers milk. I have had friends state that the injection was great since it got rid of their fear of COVID, even though they can still be infected and be contagious.

What always astonishes me is that Heart Disease is the number 1 killer in the US at 690,000+ a year and world wide,
“nearly 18 million people die annually due to cardiovascular diseases, comprising 31% of all global deaths”.With this in mind, why aren’t people fearful of dying from heart disease and perusing safe cures (Not requiring injections with severe adverse events) from this disease, such as reducing excessive weight/obesity, exercising, nnutritian, etc.? All I can say is follow the money to answer this question.

 For people who are not living in fear, there is information available that will give a broader perspective than the general news sources. It is located at VAERS and is co-managed by the CDC & the FDA: The CDC and FDA doesn’t make the information on the vaccine adverse reactions easy to find, as you can see from the below information on how to find how many people died shortly after getting the vaccine shot. If you take the time to read some of the reports, you will see just how they died. It wasn’t from car accidents. As they say, where there is smoke there is fire.

  1. Go to

     (VAERS is co-managed by the CDC & the FDA)

  1. Click on “Search VAERS Data” in the middle of page
  2. Scroll down to the bottom, and select the final box that say “I have read and understand the disclaimer”
  3. Click “Download VAERS Data
  4. Next to the year 2021, select the link to the Zip file
  5. You will be prompted to complete Word Verification, and then click “Download File”
  6. Open your Downloads folder and double click the new Veers Zip file to unzip content.
  7. The unzipped folder should contain 3 files — open the first one; “2021vaersdata.csv”
  8. The chart is long and will scroll left to right. The column of focus is column J, “Died” – we are looking for those with a letter Y in column J.
  9. To narrow this down and view only those who have died, you will want to go into the formatting settings. The below are steps for the Numbers program on a Mac; if working on Excel or on a PC, the steps may be slightly different, but the principle should be the same.

     -In the upper right corner, click “Organize” and the click “Filter”

     -Select the “Choose a Filtering Rule” in the drop down menu

     -Select “abc text” and then click “contains…”

  1. In the empty box that will be provided upon making your selection, type the letter Y and hit enter.
  2. You will see that your chart should now have a list of people with the letter Y, (Yes, have died), under column J.

     **^All of these people with a ‘Y’ under the ‘Died’ column, have suffered death as an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine; keeping in mind that the VAERS site only gets about 10% of data reported to them.

Also: The European database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

 For more information:

Bart P. Billings,Ph.D.
COL SCNG-SC, Military Medical Directorate (Ret.)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist CA PSY 7656
Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist CA LMFT 4888

—Director/Founder International Military & Civilian Combat Stress Conference
—Initial Enlisted Ranks and Retired as Medical Service Corps Officer with a total of 34 years in US Army
—Recipient of the 2014 Human Rights Award from Citizens Commission on Human Rights International & The University Of Scranton “Frank O’Hara Award” in 2016. (“Invisible Scars” & “Unhealthy Eating …” Books Website) (Combat Stress Conference website)
—Cell 760 500-5040
—Ph  760 438-2788


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